It's one thing for someone to tell people that they're wrong, but it's another when they proceed to do the exact action they just scolded that person for. Apparently the rules don't apply to them. How does that make any sense? Everyone has had a hypocrite at some point in their life. These people share some of the worst cases of hypocrisy they've ever seen. All stories have been edited for clarity.
We Just Needed A Little Help, That’s All

“My father HATES the idea of welfare. He hates the idea of ‘government handouts.’ His facebook is ‘Test the welfare queens’ pee!’ and psuedo-libertarian memes about how the government shouldn’t sustain people who couldn’t sustain themselves.
Well dad, boy do I have a message for you. Dad, I remember being 9 and spending six hours in the welfare office with you on a Thursday after you got laid off. I remember you arguing with the staff – to the point where one of the staff threatened to call the cops – because you couldn’t claim food stamps for some bureaucratic reason. Dad, when we finally did get access thanks to a super helpful person at the agency, I remember going to the supermarket and filling up two big carts of food. I remember Mom crying because she faced the prospect of feeding her kids bread and butter that night but she didn’t have to since you brought home food. I remember you hugging her and telling her, ‘We’ll get through this.’ I remember, years later, when we talked about this and you said that we just needed ‘a little help’ for a few months.
Apparently it’s okay for you, but not okay for anyone else. Apparently only you needed ‘a little help’ for a few months but everyone else on welfare is a parasite welfare queen.”
Who Knew Shorts Turned People Gay

“My dad is a massive homophobe. Like, when giving tours of his facility, he would refer to a specific art sculpture as being made by an employee’s wife (the employee’s HUSBAND made the sculpture). When the sculptor passed, his entire department asked to take an afternoon off for a funeral/memorial service. My dad refused to go, as he stated that their relationship was ‘not real, as the marriage didn’t take place in a Church or under God.’
When we went to Mexico, he refused to wear shorts because ‘he didn’t want to be mistaken as gay.’
He won an award for creating a racially diverse workplace, and often spoke at conferences on how to overcome racial barriers in team building. Helped impoverished families of all creeds and taught his children to never judge by skin color.
But he hates gay people. He stopped talking to his friend of 43 years because he (the friend) came out as gay.
A man who gets angry at racial profiling and has publicly called out a waiter for not serving a middle eastern family shortly after 9/11, and pays for their meal…hates gay people. Has said to me, in public, that they deserve to go with the devil.
I absolutely do not understand the mental disconnect. How could he be so against one type of prejudice but support another?
I’m glad I’m not like that.”
Oh, Apparently I Couldn’t Be Trusted

“I had a girlfriend that said she didn’t know if she could trust me having female friends.
I had a female friend who I had been friends with for years and years. Our relationship was as platonic as could be. We planned to go see a movie, which we had planned to see it since it was first announced. So by the time I was with said girlfriend, it had already been planned for a long time.
I told my girlfriend this. Several times. I didn’t just spring it on her but actually made sure it was ok. She claimed she was fine with it.
Before we go to the movie, I invite my girlfriend to come along. She told me she didn’t want to come along.
Low and behold, she sends her friend to spy on us. Keep in mind, it’s not like it was just me and her, it was a group of mutual friends. Anyway her ‘spy’ ends up reporting to her that I seemed ‘too happy’ with my friend because I was smiling a lot. I was having fun with friends!
She then holds this drama war, trying to rally a bunch of people against me, telling them that I was a cheating, lying dirtbag. She played up the victim role like she was trying to win an Oscar.
I almost left her but figured, ‘No, I’m gonna try to tough it out and work things out. Relationships take work and have ups and downs right?’ (I was young and stupid). So cut to maybe 2 months after the drama war and I find out that she invited her male friend over while her parents weren’t home.
Now I had a problem with her hanging out with him, not because I was trying to be controlling but because he blatantly said to her on multiple occasions that he wanted her and wanted to be with her. I then later discover that while they hung out, they made out, ‘only a bit,’ and were texting each other every night for hours. So I get obviously a bit angry. She then starts another drama war, recruits people on her side again (trying to act like she’s the victim), and accuses me being a controlling psycho.
I left and washed my hands of that whole group of people.”
I’m Way Better Than Him

“When I made it known that I wanted to date my ex, my ex said that she could wouldn’t date anyone who wasn’t going anywhere in life. She didn’t want to get stuck with a loser. I was 18 and this sparked me into getting my degree and landing a good job. She also later mentioned how she could never date smokers, cheaters, etc. She also hated how two faced her mother is and how her mother selfishly used people.
Well, the ex was basically using me as an escape from her awful family life. So, after we moved 4 hours away together, on the back of my degree and good job, she had a way to get away from her family. As a result of being away from her family, she couldn’t hide that she didn’t actually want me.
So she started cheating on me with, and left me for, this guy. He was older and in his mid 30s, unemployed, with no higher education or job training, a heavy smoker, and was married. And my ex knew full well that she was cheating on me with this married guy who was cheating on his wife.”
Why Would You Do That When He Just Died

“My grandfather died on January 1st, 2016 because he drank and smoked himself to death. My grandpa literally weighed 98 pounds when he died at 63. All of his calories were from drinking, so he ended up giving himself diabetic ketoacidosis. Then while in the hospital, his lungs collapsed from smoking for 50 years.
Ultimately what killed him was that his lungs were too weak and he ended up dry drowning, so we had him taken off of life support and had him as comfortable as possible as he passed away.
Afterwords, everyone talked about how ‘horrible’ it was that the doctors didn’t do enough….
Where was my entire family, including my pregnant cousin? Outside smoking a gosh darn ciggie.”
I Thought You Didn’t Have Favorites

“My mother would always talk about how much her childhood sucked because my grandmother would always favor my aunt over her. My mother would always claim that she intended and then insisted that she would treat all of her children equally because of what she went through.
Sounds great, except for she has basically turned into her mother and bends over backwards to help my sister out while my brother and I get the short end of everything. Sister gets knocked up a bunch of times? Of course mom will rearrange her schedule to watch all of her precious grand babies! Sister doesn’t know how to properly spend money and can’t pay her bills? Of course mom will lend her the money to stay afloat! Sister doesn’t have a place to live because of the money issue? Of course mom will let her and her whole family move into her new house (that she worked too hard for) and lets them take it over!
Meanwhile, when I needed a babysitter for my child while my husband and I worked and were in school, I get a whole lecture about how she really cannot afford to take off of work and could give me like one day, tops. When we were having a hard time paying a few of our bills, because life sucks, she gave me huge lecture about how I need to be smarter with my money and she is in absolutely no position to help out (I wasn’t even looking for help, I was more or less venting to her about it.)”
You’re Not Following Your Beliefs Either

“I lived in California in 2008, the year that Prop 8 was on the ballot to ban gay marriage.
I had a coworker who constantly talked about how she was anti-gay marriage. She had a lesbian daughter, and when people asked her stuff like, ‘Don’t you want your daughter to be able to marry someone she loves?’ the coworker would get all defensive about how being gay is a choice and a sin, better her daughter get pregnant out of wedlock with a man than marry another woman, etc.
This woman was twice-divorced and engaged to be married a third time. Her fiancé was not yet divorced from his first wife, and in fact he’d had no intention of divorcing her until she found out he was cheating. Those of us outside the situation thought he intended to string my coworker along until his wife dropped papers on him, and then he basically didn’t have an excuse not to move in with/marry the coworker. And the engaged couple had the audacity to be upset when he started attending church with her and their pastor told them they could not attend that church while they were actively breaking one of the Ten Commandments.”
She’s Bad News

“After my dad died, my mom started a relationship with a woman who had borderline personality disorder. My siblings, my mom’s siblings, and her friends all tried to warn her that this woman seemed dangerous and manipulative, but my mom wouldn’t listen. My mom kicked my sister and I out of the house, cut us off financially, and prevented us from seeing our siblings for years. If my mother’s sister, my aunt, hadn’t been there to support us, both emotionally and financially at times, I don’t know what we would have done.
Four years later, borderline woman left after helping my mom destroy her credit on a series of bad business ventures. My sister and I have welcomed my mom back into our lives with minimal pushback even though my mom hasn’t apologized. However, whenever we mention our aunt who supported us through everything, my mom accuses us of ‘abandoning’ her for our aunt. It’s infuriating and has put a severe limit on how close I am able to get with my mother.”
The Bad Aunt

“I’ve got two aunts, I point this out because I only reference my bad aunt as BA, short for Bad Aunt. Most of what I’m listing happened when she lived with me and my brother.
She regularly states how she hates people who steal, while she stole my brother and I’s movie and video game collection, running up to $700 from what we can guesstimate, and sold each one for a dollar.
She blamed me and my brother for a $600 electric bill, when we never leave our rooms. However, she thought there was no problem when she turned on every fan and light in our four story house and left them on while my brother and I were away on a two day trip.
She would constantly steal our food and throw a fit if we said we had bought the food for ourselves, saying that since in the fridge it’s everyone’s food. Yet she would offer us a slice of pizza, and if we accepted and bit into it, she would say we owed her five dollars. First time she did it, I gave the pizza slice to her dog who, afterwords, had very bad dairy farts. One time she even dunked her hand into a pot of orange chicken and rice we had made, took a mouthful and threw the handful back in, saying it tasted like dirt.
She would bad mouth us to relatives which would result in them taking us aside to talk about our deplorable behavior towards our ‘poor, struggling auntie.’ She did this for quite a while before everyone realized she couldn’t back up everything she said. She talked regularly about responsibility towards family, so I found this to be deliciously hypocritical.
She trashed the other aunt’s house, then asked her to pay her for cleaning up said house that she had trashed. She got kicked out after that. Not to mention, she would blame me and brother for empty bottles and other ‘suspicious’ items.
BA would ‘borrow’ copious amounts of money from her father, my grandfather, for stuff like phone money, gas money, food money. However, the borrowed money never went to any of that. She was even paid to help drive my brother to his job during the winter because he didn’t have a car. Except she never drove him and blamed him for working too early in the morning as an excuse for why she couldn’t drive him. He works at nine in the morning. Even overcharged him sixty bucks for his phone bill that she one day said she had the responsibility to pay for, even had papers as proof.
Hates gay people, but sleeps with women. Pretty sure she is a closeted member of the LGBTQ community, but I’d rather she never go anywhere near that community with her toxic personality.
Talks about women power and not having to rely on men for anything and how she’ll never get into a bad relationship with a guy. Meanwhile she’s dating a guy twenty years older than her. He is a super sketchy, never showers, spouts out stupid info likes it’s his job, used to tow cars but lost it because he would drive completely undressed and inebriated. One time he even threatened me by saying he carries a Glock on him at all times. When I was sixteen and getting sick of BA’s nonsense, she said it never happened even though she was there half the time when it was happening.
Honestly, there’s more but just thinking about everything she did and still does just puts me in a bad place like it did in high school.”
You Of All People Should Believe Me

“My best friend of 25 years.
Her husband touched me inappropriately while I was sleeping at her house one day. I was shocked and frightened and pretended it didn’t happen. I didn’t want her blaming me for ruining her marriage so I didn’t say anything about it. Many years later, we had a falling out and I told her about the assault.
She blamed me for trying to break up her marriage. Since then, we haven’t spoken for 5 years. One day, our mutual friend passes away suddenly and I contact her about it. We begin texting back and forth with just polite chit chat, nothing deep. She shows me a painting she’s done on the #MeToo movement.
After months of holding my tongue, I finally tell her how it made me feel that she has been such an advocate of the movement while her husband had touched me, he was my #MeToo. She accused me of trying to break up her marriage again.
I stopped talking to her after that. I hate both of them now.”
You’re Contradicting Your Own Posts

“My aunty posted one of those awful statuses basically saying how instead of buying smokes, drinks, or beauty products to instead buy food and other necessities for your children and to pay rent instead and yadda yadda.
Her fiance had gone to jail for driving while under the influence with a child in the car, and is currently in jail for assault and is paying for literally nothing. They’re struggling for money and the idiot fiance wants to sell auntie’s car for money. That would make sense but he has a dirt bike, real gold necklaces that he can sell instead and a partner thats currently paying off all of his fines for him. At some point during all this, I had gone drinking with my aunt when she was the only one in care of her little boy that was 1-year-old.
Well, she did an awful job of caring for him so I ended up taking care of him for the night, constantly checking on him and making sure he had everything he needed. So at that point, I realized I was being a better parent than she was. Over time, she has gotten better with the whole parenting thing but any improvements she’s made so far have pretty much been negated by her awful fiance.
Your fiance is addicted to substances and is terrible man but no aunty, you post those hypocritical statuses.”
Apparently It’s My Fault

“I was married to a guy who would rail on about abusers and how no man should ever hurt a woman. He’d talk about his mom’s various abusers and how he’s there in a heartbeat if any woman needs help escaping because he knows how hard it is go get away. How it’s not ever a woman’s fault for being abused; it’s the abuser’s choice to be a monster.
Yeah, this would be the same guy who raged at me for being stupid enough to find myself an abuser at seventeen, for letting him hit me, and for letting it go on for several months before getting away safely. Okay then.”
Look At Yourself First

“My husband got really inebriated one night and got into an argument with one of my gay male friends (who I dated for 3 months when I was 13, he wasn’t out yet). Things escalated and they got into a fight. Cops came, they both got arrested.
I, of course, was mad so we separated for a while and he was living at home with his mom until he could make 3 months sober (just so I know he is serious about overcoming his drinking problem.) This was early fall time, so my husband was not present at Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving rolls around and I am at a family dinner. My judgmental aunt proceeds to say that this was ‘my fault’ because I had my ex boyfriend sleeping at my house while my husband was drinking. My husband has no issue that my gay friend and I dated for 3 months 14 years ago. That was not the even close to what the disagreement was about.
Ready for the hypocritical part? My aunt was there with her new husband and HER EX HUSBAND WHO SHE WAS MARRIED TO FOR 20 YEARS, WHO SHE HAS 2 KIDS WITH, WHO IS STILL IN LOVE WITH HER AND WHO SILENTLY TALKED SMACK ABOUT THE NEW HUSBAND THE ENTIRE TIME. My ex might’ve been there but at least he wasn’t in love with me.”
I Thought We Were Supposed To Love Everyone

“From 1989 to 1993, I volunteered in an AIDS hospice. I did what I could. Admittedly, I was a teenager and it was mostly listening, holding hands, mopping, things like that. This was when AIDS was a death sentence. When I started, it was frequently still called GRIDS- Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
Mostly, I listened to lonely people while they faced their final journey. I tried my hardest to make them feel not so alone. Most of them, their families were gone. There were no siblings, no fathers, no mothers. I remember one gentleman who sobbed for his mother. His friend told me that she abandoned him when she told him he was gay, that she told him it served him right when he was diagnosed with AIDS, that her son deserved to die.
I was a good kid. I went to church every Sunday, even singing in three choirs. My particular form of Christianity was one of the more liberal around. Like the bishops put out a ruling declaring it against the teaching to condemn a person of another faith for their belief, that all paths lead to the same destination.
The pastor and I were good friends. He and I had done a comparative religion study for years. He had his phD specializing in the history of the era of the bible and believed that the bible was a work of man. The philosophy was the religion. And that was what he preached, week in and week out. Do good for the sake of doing good. Help those in need. Be kind.
One Sunday, after service, we were in the coffee social and an elderly lady came up to me. The pastor had commented during service about my volunteer work, thus many had come up to me. I was standing next to him. She loudly, and I mean LOUDLY, hissed at me. ‘YOU’RE GOING TO THE DEVIL! YOU’RE HELPING THOSE GAYS!’
I turned to the pastor once my shock subsided. I calmly said, ‘I won’t be back.’
He said to me, ‘I understand.’
I haven’t practiced organized religion since. If showing compassion to someone dying means I’m not going to heaven, well… I will never lack a light for a smoke.”
Isn’t This Supposed To Be A Bully Free Zone?

“My current high school preaches that you should stop bullying whenever you see it.
Last November, I did exactly that. I saw a 6”4 football player get in the face of a 5”2 kid with Aspergers.
I said, ‘Relax, It’s not worth it.’
He then gets in my face. Threatens me. Shoves me. I throw an elbow for good measure and we drop it. We go on with everything else and agree to end it. Water under the bridge.
Few days later, he jumps me and also has a car full of friends just to make sure. I tried to calm him down knowing win or lose, I’d still get jumped on by too many people. Didn’t work. I got sucker punched and beat as I was down.
I press charges, knowing the school wouldn’t do anything. School promises they’ll kick him permanently out once the charges arrive at the district. 2 weeks later, charges arrive. School does nothing.
3 months later, the school decides to kick him out after we keep on pressuring them. For….5 days. Meanwhile, they had switched around my classes effectively messing up my schedule and leaving his exactly the same.
I report that his friends are still harassing me and putting up pictures of my bloody face online everywhere. School doesn’t care. They tell me to stop looking at them, I report that his girlfriend started harassing me through messages, so the school advises me to leave.”