At least once in life people come in contact with that bratty kid nobody wants to be around. Whether it's a parent, a daycare teacher, or even just an observer, these are the brats that make reproduction thought of twice.
In this piece, people share the stories of where a bratty kid gets instant karmic justice. It's times like these where people thank the maturing process of growing up. Keep in mind, content was edited for clarity.
School Bus Showdown

“I grew up in a really small town where all of us kids went to school together K-12 (unless you went to the parochial school). All through elementary school, this girl who lived down the street from me was a total witch. She was taller than most of the boys, and would bully anybody she felt was beneath her. One day, coming home on the bus, she was picking on this boy in my grade (we were a year younger than her). He wasn’t an albino, but pretty close– white hair, really pale skin, thick glasses. And his parents saddled him with the name Clarence. Kid just couldn’t catch a break.
Anyway, this girl was leaning over the back of her seat and in his face the whole ride home, calling him names, making fun of his glasses, clothes, etc. A few of us tried to get her to stop, but she was relentless. Poor Clarence just sat there, his face getting redder and redder, the occasional tear sliding down his face. When the bus came to his stop, he slid to the end of the bench seat, calmly stood up and turned to her. Then faster than anybody could even take a breath, he hauled off and did a full-arm swing and smacked her in the face with his lunch box. His METAL lunchbox. Then he just turned into the aisle and slowly walked off the bus.
She spent the next three months with varying degrees of black eyes as a result of the initial injury and subsequent surgeries to repair her nose. That was the last time she bullied anyone, and the best part of the whole story is that Clarence never got in trouble for it.”
Whooping In Store

“I was at work (department store, in the kid’s department) and as I was folding down a table, a little fat heifer who was probably 9 came up to the table. He looked at me, then the table, and back at me, and then he knocked all the freshly folded clothes off the table in one sweep.
I didn’t say anything to him, but only about five seconds later, his mom came over. When I say ‘came over’, I mean she charged over and proceeded to give him the most violent butt-whooping I’ve ever seen. She apologized profusely and asked if I wanted him to help fold the table. I told her no, because that beating was more than enough punishment for the kid.
Sweet, sweet justice.”
Down Goes The Brat

“I was working the shoe department at Sears back when I was 18. One day, this little annoying kid was in there with his inattentive mother. He was running around, knocking stuff over, and making a mess. I asked her to keep him in check, and she refused.
The kid started running circles around the register. The register was on a little island in the middle of the department and had a slide-out shelf about waist high to an average person. I was ringing up an actual customer, so I slid out the shelf and set this person’s shoebox on it. The little brat comes flying around the corner and WHAM! His forehead connected with the shelf in a loud CRACK.
He immediately fell backward right on the floor. Then, he started wailing. The mother gave me a dirty look and gathered her brat, making her way out of the store. The other customer and I both watched her go and then just sort of shrugged it off.”
Rat Takeover

“Worked in a pet store when I was in high school, and we had a real issue with this particular family letting their kids act like brats all over the store.
One fateful day. The bratty family walks in and rude daughter goes right to the puppy room. Kids can’t hold dogs with out a parent and no one picks up a pup unless we are the ones to get them out of their little runs for them.
Welp, little miss priss reaches in and grabs a pup by the leg and tries to pull it toward the wall of the run so she can lift it out. I see this on my CC monitor by the register and run over to stop her from hurting this puppy. By the time I get in she has hoisted this dog up by one leg and nearly has him over the wall of the run. Mom and Dad are standing right there, not doing anything when I walk in. Before I can get a word out bratty daughter sees me and drops the puppy back into the run and turns around like nothing happened. I yell at the girl and her parents obviously get defensive and I offer to play back the tape of their daughter hauling a puppy up by it’s leg then dropping it four feet onto a tile floor. I tell them they need to go and of course they refuse.
As I go back up front to inform the manager, I notice Little Miss Witch poking her fingers into the feeder rat cage while shaking it. The rat in that cage was a jumbo feeder and was separated from the other feeders because she had just had a litter of pups.
Now, rat moms are good moms. They will protect their babies (unlike mice who give zero cares about their progeny.) This is important…
Daughter has her finger in the cage and is banging on the opposite side when karma strikes. Mama rat is NOT having any of this prick and runs right up to this girl’s soft, pink finger and bites down HARD on the little pricks finger. Everything breaks loose because mama rat isn’t letting go and rat bites BLOW.
Parents freak, manager tries to calm the situation, and I get a bandaid and disinfectant for little witch so she stops bleeding all over the floor.
In the end, rude family isn’t banned from the store (Boo), but stops coming soon after because idiot mom insists that the giant blue and gold macaw is friendly even though he isn’t and gets her ear ripped up a good one… In the end, Rat mom and babies get promoted to pet rats instead of feeders for their brave part in helping exact vengeance of horrible families with demon spawn. The blue and gold macaw was also rewarded for his part with many, many french fries.”
Middle Child Problems

“Our neighbors has five kids. They are all brats, but the middle child is the worst. He was in front of his house one day while I was outside doing some landscaping in my front yard. A shiny, new, red pickup truck drove by. Then, it slammed on the brakes and started backing up before stopping in front of the brat’s house.
‘Did you just throw a rock at our car?’ the lady in the passenger seat yelled to the boy.
Of course, the boy denied it, and started making up some ridiculous excuse like he always did when people caught him making mischief. The woman cut his story off and told him to go get his mom.
Apparently, the woman in the truck was from the neighborhood and was also fed up with my neighbors kids and their nonsense. The mom finally came out, holding the youngest brat. The woman in the truck proceeded to give her the kind of verbal beatdown that the mom should have been giving her own kid all along.
Watching that mom stand there and listen to some stranger rightfully criticize her parenting for 10 minutes straight was gratifying. The only thing better was watching the brat squirm the whole time.”
Football Victory

“I’m a part of my school’s football team, and, as always, there’s one kid where his mom pretty much bought him into the program. Well, this kid thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread. Let it be known he was possibly one of the worst linebackers I have seen in my life.
Well, one day this kid says something rude to an offensive lineman about his weight. The lineman never even talked to this prick before this point. The prick goes back to his position with a smug look, and the lineman (a guard, this will explain how this matters in this situation (he is the one on the right), obviously angry, goes and gets into position without saying a word.
Well, the next play was a run into the hole that the guard was in. The linebacker stands back to ‘evaluate the play,’ which was really his way of chickening out of making a tackle. Well, the lineman took up him as a block and completely threw him face up onto the ground 5ish yards away, and he landed on the ground with an audible clap from his helmet hitting the ground. He stayed on the ground for 10 minutes, and got a moderate concussion and a broken rib.
Needless to say, he didn’t try out the next year. No one misses him.”
Instant Karma

“Back when I was a waitress, I worked at this barbecue joint that had really narrow, awkwardly arranged tables. I always had to lean a bit over to serve the food. There was this table with a really obnoxious 4-year-old who kept grabbing at everything – my hands, my clothes, the tray I was serving from. He untied my apron and my pens and cash flew everywhere.
This went on for the whole meal. The parents didn’t do a thing about it. The dad even said it served me right for taking a job in food service. They were total imbeciles and I knew I wasn’t getting a decent tip out of them.
Toward the end of their meal, they ordered dessert: peanut butter silk pie, which is as delicious as it sounds. It is ooey-gooey sticky pie heaven. I made sure to cover it in an extra mound of whipped cream and balance it precariously on the side of my tray, counter-balanced with a couple of soda refills for the parents in HUGE plastic glasses.
Sure enough, when I got to the table, the little prick made a grab for the tray and everything conveniently capsized all over him and his parents. They were covered in Diet Coke, whipped cream, and the stickiest peanut butter pie you can imagine.
I looked appropriately chagrined and said, ‘I am SO sorry. Guess that’s what happens when you have kids.’
I even managed to make it back to the kitchen before I cracked up, along with most of the front of house staff.”
In A Cloud Of Smoke

“I was driving a fire truck back from an all night fire about 7AM. This truck’s diesel mixture was a bit rich so if you sat for a while and smashed the gas, you might get smoke from the exhaust.
As I approached a highway from the residential street I was on, there were six middle school kids waiting for the school bus on the corner. As some kids do, they stand or walk in the street and refuse to move for cars. As I came to the intersection, one little prick looked at me smugly and did not move, causing me to have to go into the oncoming lane at the intersection.
I patiently waited until I could make my turn onto the highway then pressed the gas so hard on that firetruck’s diesel engine, causing a thick blob of black thick smoke to come out the exhaust which was mid truck pointed right at the kids. They were coated in thick oily diesel fumes, especially Mr. Smug, and last I saw they were halfway down the block on the sidewalk running with me on the road spewing smoke after them.
Mr Smug looked at me with terror in his little half developed mind…”
Arrested And Charged

“When I was in high school, there were two brothers that lived in my neighborhood that were the worst people. They would vandalize other homes and every time they were caught their mom wouldn’t believe that her babies would do something like that. They had even been arrested before (both between 10 and 12 years old) and it wasn’t enough proof for their mom that they needed to be punished.
My dad used to let them ride on our riding lawn mower, but this particular day it was out of oil. My dad told them that it wasn’t going to work and that he was sorry. They didn’t stop, however, and were close to breaking it. My dad had to physically pull them off of it and drive them home. Of course, the mother told him he was crazy and that they would never do that, so they did not get in trouble.
That evening, they snuck out of their house to get revenge on my dad. They keyed his truck and wrote the four-letter word starting with ‘F’ into the side of it. It was roughly a foot and a half high and probably about four feet long. The worst part of the situation was that my dad is a pastor and the next day was Sunday. He had gone to church that day and did not notice it until he got there. He was mortified, but he knew exactly who had done it. He went to the house and told the mother and the sons that all they had to do was apologize and that he would put it behind him. Of course, they didn’t do that, so my dad said, ‘I gave you a chance. I’ll see you in court.’
A few months later, he received money from our insurance company for new paint and the boys got arrested for vandalism. Apparently another neighbor of ours had a few cameras set up to catch them in the act (they had keyed the paint on his garage door a few times). The family had to pay my dad for a new paint job as well, with which he bought himself a new truck all together.”
Nasty Spawn

“I was working at a Pizza Hut at the time. Some kid around 10 or so went into the men’s restroom and pooped in the urinal. Then, he smeared it all over the darn place. We knew it was the kid because the restaurant was not very busy that day and a coworker spotted the mess right after the kid left the bathroom.
We weren’t sure what to do, but the manager decided to tell the parents. The father was peeved. He made the boy clean it up. He stood over him, yelling, and made him clean it ALL. The boy was crying but, you know, forget that kid. He was old enough to know you don’t do that. He was not mentally impaired. He was just a prick.
We were all glad that the dad stepped up. Otherwise, we would have had to clean it.”
Late Swoop In By Karma

“When I was in 6th grade, my best friend at the time was a guy who I’ll call Jack. Jack got picked on a lot by the kids on the football team, and even a few other kids. He wasn’t mad about it, and generally could handle everything they could dish out. Most of the kids that picked on him did minor things like calling him names or just a shove in the hall, but one kid, I’ll call him ‘Luke’ was really terrible.
Luke was a real prick, he would pick on almost everyone for any reason he could. He chose to pick on Jack for his weight, despite Luke being almost 300 pounds. Luke would punch, kick, and slap Jack for fun and on one occasion even stabbed him with a pencil. Anyway, one day after lunch Jack and I were walking around waiting for the bell to ring to start class again. Luke and about 4 other kids come up to us, I get pushed aside, and they all started beating on Jack. I stood up and pulled one kid off of him only to see Luke start stomping Jack’s head while he was on the ground.
I ran to tackle Luke off of Jack, but before I could Luke set his foot down on the back of Jack’s head. As he started to push down with his foot, he said ‘Eat the ground I walk on.’ Jack managed to move back and get his hands under Luke’s foot, Jack pushed up and slammed Luke into the ground on his tailbone. Jack then punched Luke right in the jaw, and without missing a beat said ‘More like the ground you break’. It was the only time someone had stood up to Luke and the only time someone ever mentioned his weight.
Shortly after that Luke got kicked out of school because he was printing out pictures of girls and selling them to other middle schoolers. Last I heard, Luke had taken up a substance abuse problem and drove his dad’s car into a lake.”
Black Friday Maddness

“I worked at a Toys ‘R’ Us twice doing seasonal work around the big holidays, including Christmas and such. Employees have to find ways to amuse themselves and keep from going insane with all the bratty kids and exasperated parents. I did one pretty bad thing that I have no remorse for.
I was scheduled to work the first shift on Black Friday, on which everything is all on sale for some freaking reason, and they made me wear the Geoffrey the Giraffe costume. The first rule was not to talk. Just dance, pose for photos, and keep your mouth shut – don’t ruin it for the kids.
One particularly devil kid kept punching me in the balls while I was posing with him for the photo. I was in the suit, but it still hurt. He wouldn’t cut it out. After the photo was taken, I knelt down got my giraffe head at his eye level.
‘Your parents told me not to say anything,’ I whispered, ‘but you were adopted.’
That little prick started wailing so loud, crying his eyes out. It made everyone waiting in the rain outside at six in the morning on a cold day even more miserable. The best part was that since I was in costume, and they had just hired ton of new people, neither the parents nor the company had any idea who had done it.”
Lacrosse Punishment

“I used to coach youth lacrosse in Georgia. Volunteer hours through my college team. Had a kid whose name, I kid you not, was Harsh.
Anyways, I had the elementary school age kids for practice one night, with Harsh. He went through a drill with a weaker kid who ended up costing his team the point. They get to the end of the line for the drill and Harsh, a 5th grader, hits this 2nd grader in the helmet with his stick.
I stop the practice, line all the kids up, and make them do 30 yard down-and-back sprints. I make Harsh call out every sprint, and every kid has to call out ‘thank you Harsh’ instead of whatever number sprint they were on. After ten of them, I restarted the practice.
The other kids beat him to a pulp. Beat. The. Nonsense. Out. Of. Him.
It was awesome.”
Listen To The Signs

“I used to work in a shop, and we had fake display furniture so the beds we used to display our sheets and pillows were actually just wooden boxes with headboards attached and some kid was annoying me shouting and running around dropping pastry all over the floor and knocking things over, and then he spots one of the fake beds and takes a running jump to land on it. The look on his face when he realized it was wooden was hilarious. I felt a bit bad when he started to cry but there was clear signs saying not to touch the displays, so I guess he got what he deserved!”
Drama On The Field

“I played soccer my freshman year of high school, and my team was one of the better ones in our division. There was a team from another school who we had heard would always try and cheat their way to a win (faking injuries, trying to injure you when the refs weren’t looking, etc.), and finally we got our chance to play them.
Their team was playing man to man defense, so the same girl was guarding me basically the entire game. Every time she would get close to me, she would dig her fingernails into my skin, so by the time we got to a break, my arms were completely shredded. I told my coach what was going on, and he went and mentioned it to the refs. They said they would watch out for it, but when play resumed, she kept right on doing it, and the refs continued to not notice it.
Finally, I was pretty fed up. At one point, she came and stood behind me, but also slightly to my right. As soon as she reached out to touch me, I popped her in the stomach with my elbow as hard as I could. She of course fell to the ground & pitched a big fit, and they ended up stopping the game. When the refs came over she was being very dramatic, rolling around and writhing in pain, and she told them this whole sob story of what had happened. I’m sure it did hurt a little, because I meant it to, but it certainly didn’t hurt as much as she was making it seem. The refs went ahead and red carded me though (despite our previous complaints about this girl), so I went and sat up in the stands with some of the parents.
By the time play resumed, she was magically feeling good enough to play again, except this time she was guarding my friend K, who is much more awesome & less patient than I am. This girl starts doing the same thing to K that she had been doing to me, but K only put up with this for about 45 seconds before she turned around a popped her one right in the face. The girl ended up having to sit out the rest of the game because her nose was bleeding pretty badly, and K was red-carded as well & got to come hang out in the stands with me.
It was of course awesome watching K punch the girl in the face, but the aftermath was awesome as well. 1) We won the game (actually, we beat that team every subsequent year of high school as well), 2) It was found out after the game that one of the refs was actually related to one of the girls on the other team, so they actually downgraded K & I’s red cards to yellow cards, and 3) The next year when we played that same team, K managed to catch that girls’ eye before the game started, and give her a really menacing look. We saw the girl go talk to her coach right after that, and she ended up sitting out that entire game. We never saw her after that. Oh, and we won states that year as well.”