Not to be harsh but some people in life are just so pathetic that we gotta vent about it. From loser roommates to deadbeats dads and absentee moms, the people in these stories share the trashiest, lowest, and most selfish people they've crossed in life.
There’s A Word For Guys Like This

Africa Studio/Shutterstock
“Personally, the person I’m most disgusted by is one of my members of staff. I work in a supermarket in the UK and am responsible for five production departments. He is one of my butchers and is someone I try to have minimal contact with as his opinions and values are skewed into the ridiculous and there’s no convincing him otherwise.
He was previously a first aider in the store but was removed from our trained resource pool as he refused to help gay, black, Muslim people or anyone else who wasn’t a white male.
At one point, he tried to be as friendly as he was capable of with our female line manager. He would regularly tell her how all women are ladies of the night, as men inevitably pay for them to some degree, even if they are in a relationship.
I’m referred to as the cow, our line manager is the wench, and the personnel manager is the fat cow.
He has no issue in detailing how he spends £200+ a week visiting streetwalkers, that they tell him how good he is and that he satisfies them like no other man.
A complaint was made before I was his manager after he told a female butchery colleague how he had spent the previous evening watching videos of women being violated. He obviously enjoys trying to intimidate and make people, especially women, uncomfortable.
He is only around 25-26 and it’s kind of sad to see someone with such a terrible way of interacting with people at such a young age, but the boy is seriously delusional. I could be here all night detailing the extent of his disconnect with reality, so aye, I’ll leave it at that.”
Completely Despicable

“Ex-Gf was stealing from dying people. CNA(certified nursing assistant) did at home hospice care and literally watched people die at their bedside knowing she had stolen from them. When i found out I noped out of that relationship and reported her but nothing came of it. Felt super bad because she talked about this “crazy lady” that was convinced she was stealing and talked about another couple that she helped do bills and they were on the brink and she was stealing. What a terrible person.”
He’s The Definition Of The Deadbeat Dad

“This dude had three kids.
He was married and while his wife was pregnant, he got a second girl pregnant. As soon as baby number one was born, he ‘couldn’t take it’ and ditched the wife with a 1-month-old and moved in with the mistress. He was with her about a month and they were about to have the baby, when she figured out he was a piece of trash and kicked him out.
From there, he freeloaded off his parents. He still does. He pays no rent because he can’t afford it due to alimony. He doesn’t pitch in for groceries because he can’t afford it due to alimony (but gives them a list when they go to the store of food he needs). He doesn’t cut the lawn or do chores because ‘his back hurts.’ He wouldn’t climb a ladder to take down the Christmas lights because he’s ‘scared of heights’ (it was a step ladder and the lights were only 8 feet off the ground) The list goes on.
For at least a while, about 4-5 years, he visited his kids, became a part of their lives.
Around the 1-year mark, the mistress got wasted and slept with him. Had baby number three.
Alimony went up. He couldn’t afford ‘ANYTHING.’ So his parents had to support him completely.
Except, he somehow bought himself a new car sometime in there so he could commute back and forth to get the kids. And not just a beater, or used car, or even just a financially smart lease, he bought himself a luxury car…
So anyhow, his oldest kids turned 5 and one day he decided, ‘I’m sick of driving out to see the kids on weekends or meeting them halfway; if the moms don’t want to bring them to me, I’m not going to bother.’
I talked to him on Father’s Day and asked if he would see his kids. He said, ‘Nah man, like I said before, the moms won’t bring them halfway, what am I supposed to do, drive an hour just to see him for what, the day, then drive home another hour?’
I said yeah.
Then I learned he hadn’t seen them in three years.”
Please Don’t Have More Children

“This is pretty recent. A coworker who likes speed and weed, has three kids, and has been dating this really terrible dude, bailed her deadbeat boyfriend out of jail like twice now, I don’t know for what.
I’ve been waiting for her to kick him out, but it hasn’t happened. It finally came out that the dude physically violated the oldest child. She kicked him out. When the coworker was telling me this, she kept saying, ‘That kid better not be lying.’ So that disgusted me right off the bat. Then someone called CPS, and it came out that she’d been smoking speed in front of her kids. The kids were taken by child services, who determined that the oldest was not, in fact, lying. The boyfriend was immediately back in her house once the kids were gone. She continued to sleep with, feed, and entertain the guy. I can’t even look her in the eye. How can you continue to sleep with this guy after he touched your daughter?
She thinks she’s pregnant with his kid now. I hope to God she isn’t.”
Hey, Wanna Help Kidnap My Son?

“There’s a lot that pushes my ex-girlfriend to the top as the contender for most horrible human being, but what took the cake was the morning she called me and asked me to help kidnap her son.
Our relationship had already ended but I had called her the night before on behalf of her kid. He was miserable, going through a rough time at school and home, and had been trying to contact his mom for weeks. She’d been ignoring him while off with her friends and living with family in another city. So he reached out to me for help. When I spoke to her, I told her that she needed to step up and take responsibility for her son. I told her to contact her ex (her son’s father) to figure out what was going on and help her kid.
Her solution was to organize a kidnapping.
She called me before dawn and asked me to pick up her son and drive him to the edge of town. Once her directive sunk in, I reached out to the kid’s father. The father called my ex and she claimed that I had arranged to kidnap her son. Police were called, statements were taken from all parties involved, no charges filed.
But the sad part was the fate of her son.
I adored him like my own. Great kid, suffered through the misery of having a trashy mom who was mentally unstable. He deserved so much more. Instead, after the incident, his mom began to falsely allege that his father was abusive. It turned into a huge custody battle. Each time he’d get settled into the new pattern of life, she’d change things up. Move, alter custody arrangements, even petitioned to homeschool him because she didn’t like the school his father had enrolled him into.
He and I kept in contact until the lawyers got involved. Breaks my heart that she had zero empathy for her own child.
My last conversation was with her mother and she apologized for my ex’s behavior. Her mom and I never had the chance to bond because the ex was convinced that her mother would disown her for dating a woman, so we seldom interacted. Her mom’s last words thanked me for being in her grandson’s life and she said that if things had worked out differently, she would have loved to have me as part of the family.
Even after all these years…it still hurts.”
He Left His Beloved Doggo With An Untrustworthy Fellow

“This is a bit of a long one, but I still feel scarred from what happened.
I live in China and I had an 18-year-old Australian roommate whom we will call Child (due to his lack of adult qualities) and an absolutely fantastic dog, who will be referred to as Doggo. I got Doggo as a puppy and he was a perfect dog. He actually helped me find the woman I married, so you can safely say I was attached to him.
Throughout my ownership of Doggo in China, Child was living with me until he got fired from his job for going completely awol and even before that, his work performance was a 2/10 at best. He was a bit of a fail at every aspect of life and for some reason, I couldn’t help feeling sorry for him. Sometimes I would give him food when I would cook as he couldn’t even boil an egg (I taught him how and he ate only eggs for a week). I would end up doing all the cleaning in the apartment as he couldn’t and wouldn’t do it himself. Throughout the entire time we were staying together, any kindness or generosity was completely coming from my side and was never returned from him. The only thing he ever did was play and walk Doggo. Once he had lost his job, he had nowhere else in the city to stay so he kept coming back and staying in my old room (I moved into his old room the moment he ‘left’ as he got the nicer room when we moved in). I had essentially ignored his existence while in the apartment as my girlfriend had moved into my room and I had no reason to ever really interact with him except to try and get him to leave. I wasn’t putting much effort into that anyway as he was keeping Doggo occupied while I was spending time with the girlfriend.
Eventually, Child flew home to Australia (he stole some of my stuff and sold it to a guy he barely knows). He was there for a few weeks until his parents kicked him out for not doing anything with his life. He returned to China to go to a low-end university in the South on a complete full scholarship (because he was their only white student) and got back in contact with me. I was living in the North, so we were 1,000s of kilometers apart. He would constantly be sending me messages about Doggo, saying how much he missed him and how much he loved that dog. I cannot exaggerate how often and serious these messages were. He actually tried to call Doggo one Friday night.
This went on for a couple months until I had issues with my employer (who had been subletting the room I was staying in), and I had four days to leave the apartment. Where I was moving didn’t have the capacity to take Doggo with me, so I offered to fly him down to Child as I knew he had always taken good care of him in the past. Child accepted immediately and was so excited to see Doggo. I paid a lot of money and a few days later, he was with Child in the South.
I should point out that the South is where China gets its reputation for eating dog, so I made sure to warn Child not to let Doggo out on his own and keep a close eye on him. I had heard a lot of stories about dogs being stolen for food and he was living in a very low tiered city.
I had kept in contact with him for a couple of months, then all went quiet. He wouldn’t respond to my messages or calls so I couldn’t get an update about Doggo. About a month went by, and I got my girlfriend (who was Chinese) to contact his university to see what the story was. To my complete horror, one of his lecturers told my girlfriend that Child had decided to give up on university and fly back to Australia. He just dumped Doggo on the street. The lecturer actually said she had seen Doggo hanging around campus as a stray, so my girlfriend immediately told her that if she saw him again to grab him and that I would pay to have him sent home.
She did see him again. It was the moment the bus hit him.
Child wouldn’t respond to anything I ever sent him until two days after I was married. He actually sent me a message congratulating me and when I responded, he tried to end the conversation very quickly. I asked him if he was going off to kill more dogs, then told him how he had killed Doggo. I got a, ‘Sorry, things happen,’ and an explanation that he had lost his wallet, so he thought he should drop out of school and leave the county. He then proceeded to accuse me of stealing his computer keyboard then never contacted me again.
Sometimes I’ll be happily walking along the street and see a dog which will remind me of what happened to my Doggo. I would love to get revenge, but there is literally no way I can do anything since he lives in another country now and I have no way to contact him.
I miss Doggo.”
“She Looked More And More Like The Crypt Keeper”

“My best friend’s sister has a one-year-old boy named Jack. He’s a pain in the butt, but he’s very much loved by my best friend and me.
Where do I even begin? She had him, took care of him for a week, then took off with her boyfriend (Jack’s dad), didn’t come back for almost a month. She’s always coming and going, most likely doing dope because every time she comes back, she looks more and more like the crypt keeper. She only ever comes back to start drama or to take some of Jack’s things when she and her boyfriend wanna play mommy and daddy and act like they’re gonna work things out. Oh, and her boyfriend has a whole plethora of warrants.
Two months ago, she got arrested in a motel parking lot for being with some dude she didn’t even know who was selling illegal substances. Of course, she got bailed out. She went home for while to lie low and then one day she ‘took Jack to the park’ only to stay in some lousy motel up the road that’s known to be a burnout meetup (yes, she brought her own son to a burnout motel). She didn’t take him back home until midnight a couple nights after.
She and her boyfriend fight in front of him all the time, and I mean physical fights, the kind of stuff you see in jails. They fight while Jack is in the backseat screaming his lungs out, too.
She got arrested again not too long ago, got bailed out. Never came back home, only for my best friend to find pictures of her and some dudes she doesn’t even know holding wads of money and a weapon that they probably don’t legally own.
So since then, she hasn’t returned home. Doesn’t call, doesn’t text, nothing. Just some Facebook pictures of her acting like she’s a gangster.”
Living “Off The Grid” Doesn’t Make Them Good Parents

“My brother and sister-in-law are pretty lousy in my book.
They have two kids and struggle with being adults. The brother really hates doing things like work. He tried hard to mooch off his mother before she eventually kicked him out. He and his wife would lock their kids out of their room and get it on, just expecting everyone else in the house to watch them.
When they both quit their jobs and lost their house, they moved back in with my wife’s mother, bringing with them nine cats. And my wife agreed to look after their dogs (while I was asleep), so they showed up with two dogs. The agreement was for two weeks and they would find new homes for the dogs.
Three months later, they’ve not even so much as bought food for the dogs or come to clean up the sea of dog doo that is my backyard. Meanwhile, they’re not even looking for jobs.
They finally decided that since no one wanted to let them mooch off them, they’ll go ‘live off the grid’ despite the fact that living ‘off the grid’ is a thing that people who have, you know, money do. No, they bought a shoddy tent or something and move up north. Found some random town and just moved into the woods near it, with two kids, one’s a toddler and the other’s a baby, mind you.
So, I eventually get tired of looking after and paying for their dogs, so I went to the dog rescue that I volunteer for and found new homes for the dogs. They FLIPPED OUT at my wife, calling her all kinds of names, saying she’s a terrible person, blah, blah, blah. So I yelled at them that I was the one that got rid of the dogs, not her. I don’t care if they don’t like me.
They came over to see the dogs once in the three months that we had them and they completely ignored their kids as their kids are running around my house going crazy. The ‘mother’ finally piped up and, I kid you not, whistled at her 3-year-old son and called to him like he was a dog.
Now I hear they lock their kids up in a room for most of the day with a lock on the outside door to their room in the trailer they’re currently living in.
These are just a few examples. My wife’s other sister overheard them bragging that they found a way to beat their kids and not leave marks. Just despicable.”
When The Child’s More Mature Than The Parents

“That would be my parents.
When I was in high school, I definitely noticed my fathers habitual substance abuse and my mother’s drinking habits that she acquired to try to ignore it. Around my junior year, they were at each other’s throats, ready for divorce. My father decided a counselor was the best option, as my sister was in the 8th grade and my brother in 3rd.
Cut to right after my senior year: my parents are divorced. I started cosmetology school. My father’s substance abuse problems increase while I and my siblings live with mother.
This is where it gets bad. My cosmetology school required monthly payments on my tuition. My parents set up a college account (shared between my father and me so we are the only ones allowed access to said account) for me to use when I was a child that held all of the money I was to use for college. Well about five months after I started school, I had been taking money to pay tuition out of the account with no problems or issues. On my sixth month payment, the school said my card was declined. Thinking nothing of it, I drove down to the bank, which informed me that the remaining balance of $600 had been taken out the day before and the account had been closed. Utterly confused, I called my father who proceeds to tell me in a very unconvincing tone that I never had that much money in the account in the first place and he didn’t know who could have possibly closed the account…
I ended up recontacting the bank and pulling statements from said account for the years I knew for sure he was using. He had been withdrawing from the account of $10,000+ in $600 increments and using the money to buy substances to hide his addiction from my mother so he could still afford the bills and utilities for the house we had lived in when they were together. I, of course, quickly and quietly separated myself from that part of my family. Even my grandparents on the paternal side say I should apologize to him and get over it, but I still can’t. I then had to acquire a student loan and start my debt to the government.
Later on, my father ended up blackmailing my 15-year-old sister into writing a letter to a court for full custody and explained if she didn’t, he would never buy her a car (a car she needed to attend school as well as pick up our brother). He was also mentally abusing my extremely overweight brother, engaging in behavior such as name calling, weighing him in front of large group of people (other than family), as well as forbidding him to touch dinner as not to gain anymore. I haven’t spoken to him in the past 5 1/2 years.
My mother is another story. She continued her drinking and found herself an addict boyfriend with three children of his own. The man has consistently not had a job for two years and relies solely on my mother for food, clothes, and school supplies for his children. This man actually lived off of her until the point where I, at 20 years old, was forced to move into her home to help her pay her bills so my brother and sister could eat. My mother knowingly let him into my siblings’ lives and mine. She actually lied in court, on record, and was caught thrice trying to defend this idiot saying he was a good man. Due to her lying, she’s lost the custody battle with my idiot father. She’s still with this man and I have quit paying her bills after this incident, so good luck mom.
Since my sister is now 18 and of college age, in case anyone is wondering, her college account was also wiped out completely. My father also took that car I spoke about earlier after he won the custody battle with my mother for good. She’s currently stuck about six hours north of where I live at her college dorms with only a bike to her name as well as her accrued student debt. My brother, I have not seen in two years. My father keeps him away from public events and has even gone as far as to enroll him into a private Catholic school with restrictions as to who is allowed to speak to him during his lunch breaks. I consistently worry about him and if he’s okay.”
A Tale Of Alternate Identities

“Oh boy, this is going to be a long one… I haven’t seen these people in about 20 years, but I’m STILL learning new creepy stuff about them…
I’ll just use letters to represent people.
So, J meets girl D at the renaissance fair. He likes her, so he gets a job there. He also gets a job at the fast-food restaurant that D works for and generally acts stalkerish, but he disappears after she complains to a manager.
Many months later, I start dating D. J gets a job with me but goes by the fake name ‘C’ (actually his middle name) to hide his identity. He befriends me, while I have no idea who he actually is. Just to emphasize this, he knew my girlfriend and was stalking her before I met her, and then got a job with me the same month we started dating.
Meanwhile, his roommate, a very…’friendly’ girl name N, becomes obsessed with me and tries to get me to cheat on my girlfriend. I refuse. Many times.
A few times during the friendship, ‘C’ pages me (yes, this is before everyone has cell phones) with ‘911’ on the message indicating it’s an emergency. He says he got stranded, but before I arrive, he calls me up (sounding like he’s crying) and says someone else helped him. The second time I call back, he sounds weird again and says he just wanted to chat. I assume he’s wasted and tell him not to page with ‘911’ unless it’s an emergency.
In retrospect, I suspect he might’ve been trying to lure me somewhere to murder me and lost his nerve. Maybe I’m just paranoid about that, but I have good reason.
After D and I break up, N becomes much more aggressive. While I’m over hanging out with ‘C,’ N just starts walking around completely bare. One day, ‘C’ and I are playing video games, and she mentions that her coworker B knew me in high school. I mention that he and I didn’t get along; he was kind of a bully. She goes back to work, picks him up, brings him home, and sleeps with him, trying to make me jealous.
They end up dating, though she cheats on him all the time and she never lets up trying to get with me. The first time they get in an argument, she asks if I want to film myself sleeping with her to get revenge on him.
Eventually, she turns from the romantic to homicidal type of obsession. ‘C’ and I have a falling out, and immediately N starts doing things like loosening the lug nuts on my tire and the latch on my hood (the latter of which almost caused a deadly accident).
It was about this time that ‘C’ physically abused a kid he was babysitting. I only found out about this recently.
So, D and I were broken up but still friendly. We see ‘C’ and N in the mall, and I tell her, ‘Yeah, that’s ‘C’ and N, the people I told you about,’ and D tells me that ‘C’ looked just like J, the guy who’d been stalking her. We briefly contemplate the possibility that they’re the same person but ultimately conclude that he wouldn’t have taken jobs under two names.
Things were quiet for a little bit. N is telling people that I’m her ex-boyfriend and that I abused her, complete lies. Every few months, I get harassed by some dude who wants to avenge her, but mostly nothing.
Then, after about four years, I join the Air Force and leave the city. ‘C’ and N don’t know this, so N goes to the cops with a story that I broke into her house and assaulted her. She provided them with some of my hair that she said she tore out in the attack.
When the cops confront her with the fact that I was hundreds of miles away, she admits that she made it up. I have no idea where she got my hair, but apparently, she’d been storing it in her freezer for FOUR YEARS.
Something else I didn’t find out until much later, during those four years, a friend/friends with benefits of hers found a used prophylactic in her freezer and threw it out. I don’t know if it was mine, but she could’ve stolen it from my garbage. If so, she probably had it longer than the hair.
Again things go quiet for a while. I find out that N got part-time jobs at some of my hangouts around Christmas, just in case I come home for the holidays, but then I stop hearing from her entirely.
Back to C/J. He’s been busy. He’s made a whole dossier on me that’s full of personal information, some real, some half-truths, some complete lies. It had my real name/address/phone number; some real workplaces and some false; some real names of acquaintances, some false; relationship info; and a lot of fake crimes.
He’d been gathering info on me and making up some stuff, then giving out this info for people to harass me with.
I eventually found out that he’d made sock puppet accounts to associate with me online.
I got prank calls. A few months after a girl I was seeing took her life, I got a call at work from someone saying, ‘How’s your dead girlfriend.’ Random people started showing up at my house responding to Craigslist ads, sometimes in the middle of the night. People were pranking me based on the info he provided them.
It still happens occasionally, but it’s died down over the past five years. I recently found out why.
The Denver police called me in 2012 and said they found some personal information about me on a laptop while investigating a crime and advised that I take identity theft precautions. At the time I assumed it had something to do with a known Veteran’s Affairs breach, so precautions had already been taken.
Just a few months back, someone mentions C to me and on a whim, I decided to google his name with the word ‘mugshot’…and I found him.
Back in 2012, he was caught with over 3TB of explicit pictures of kids on his computer, which he was distributing worldwide. Because he was a repeat offender, he got sentenced to 40 years.
I confirmed J was his real name and to just make sure it wasn’t another guy who looked like him, I used a background check to cross-reference it with the address he lived at when we were friends.
During this cross-reference, I also found out that N was using a fake name, too. For twenty years, she’d stalked me and only about a week ago did I learn her real name (at least now I know what to tell the cops if she shows up again).
I’m aware that N (actually, MJ) might read this. Go ahead and try something. Draw more attention to what you knew J was doing while you lived together.”