Do we have the same music taste?!
“Levitating” – Dua Lipa

Hate to say this, but the only reason I looked up this song was because there was a report about how a band called, ‘Artikal Sound Systems’ was suing Dua Lipa over copyright infringement of this song. I wanted to see if they were similar, which they are. However, now I’m obsessed with her song!
It’s very upbeat!
“Eazy” – Kanye West, The Game

No wonder people are willing to pay $200+ on a stem player, just to listen to Kanye’s new album, because this is straight fire. Do people still say ‘fire’ or is that outdated slang? Oh well, it’s a good song. His narcissistic personality may disappoint me, but his music could never.
“Watercolor Eyes” – Lana Del Rey

Lana’s at it again, making another song that emotionally destroys me, but in a good way. What’s not to love? Her voice is angelic, and her lyrics have such a deep significance, unlike how these newer artists are.
She’s one of a kind.
“Redbone” – Childish Gambino

This is the type of song I imagine our grandparents were listening to back in the day — it has that 70’s rhythm to it. Simple, yet captivating!
You can either chill with this song or turn the volume up higher and sing along— I do both!
“Ghost” – Justin Bieber

I thought that ‘Yummy’ song would’ve sent Justin into retirement, but I’m glad it didn’t because ‘Ghost’ is such a beautiful song. A huge glow up from his past few songs!
“Gimme More” – Britney Spears

If this song isn’t on your playlist, then are you even living?
The first verse = iconic
“American Boy” – Estelle

Who’s tired of this song? I honestly think it will be a banger forever. I’m pretty sure I had this song on my iPod nano.
“We Don’t Talk About Bruno” – “Encanto”

Not going to say my age, but I’m a grown adult, and I can listen to this song all day. I’m pretty sure there’s an hour loop of this song on Youtube somewhere, which I’ve definitely come across a couple of times. I can’t get over Camilo’s and Dolores’s vocals. Mind-blowing!
My 10-year-old niece says, ‘You love this song more than I do and I’m the kid.’
“Bam Bam” – Camila Cabello

Need energy for work on Monday? Must. Play. This. Song.
“Nail Tech” – Jack Harlow

This is a great song to chill with friends with! Who isn’t a fan of Jack Harlow?