These customers didn't pay for the sass, but they still got it!
Fast food diners on Quora share the rudest thing that happened to them while eating. Content has been edited for clarity.
They Never Answered Him

“I was in line at a Burger King waiting to order and was observing what was more or less calamity behind the counter. An older guy was systematically messing up every order. The way he conducted himself and talked to the other employees made me believe he was the manager, owner, or something along those lines. He was so bad you could see the other employees rolling their eyes when he kept mucking up service, but they never told him to leave the counter area. I have to assume he was someone they were forced to put up with or otherwise couldn’t do anything about.
Came to my turn and I ordered a hamburger and chocolate shake. When Mr. Incompetent completed the hamburger portion of my order, he went to the shake machine, filled up a cup, and then promptly dumped over the cup when he set it on the counter, spilling the contents.
Here’s where it got weird.
He quickly SCOOPED UP the spilled shake with the cup right off of the counter and affixed the lid back on and handed it to me. I was in complete disbelief.
I said, ‘How about getting me a new shake instead?’
He replied (actual words), ‘Uh, no.’
Me: ‘You just scooped that up off the counter.’
He looked from me to the cup, apparently considering what he’d just done.
Him: ‘I’ll refill it.’
”Me: ‘I want a new one. I don’t want a milkshake that was scooped off the counter.’
He looked annoyed, walked over to the machine, filled up the cup I just told him I didn’t want, and put it back on the counter, then walked away.
Mind you, the other employees saw this happen and didn’t say a word.
I called after him, ‘Either give me a new shake or I want my money back.’
He completely ignored me.
I looked at the other employees- one of them actually shrugged. At this point, my blood was boiling.
‘Are you going to give me my money back?’ I asked.
I was totally and obviously ignored again.
I didn’t lose my cool or start yelling, but his attitude was infuriating, so I did something that I’ve never done before.
I took the lid off the shake, up-ended it on the counter, and said, ‘You can eat it then.’
I turned around to walk out. Everyone in line behind me was staring in disbelief, a few people laughing.
I ended up writing a very colorful letter to Burger King, to which I never got a reply.”
Did She Deserve That?

“I got married in Las Vegas. On our way out of town, we stopped at a very busy café. The waitress was obviously very busy and my husband’s order requires her to remember specific instructions for the cooks, and he really is a pain in the but about just ordering. He talked a lot, and was oblivious to the fact this woman was frenzied. I was able to order right off the menu.
When the food was delivered my plate is not at all what I ordered, and my husband’s food wasn’t acceptable to him for some reason, it probably had onions on it. The waitress was mad when my husband wanted his meal redone.
Then she looked at me and barked, ‘What are you going to complain about?’
Now, I am such an easy person when it comes to food, and I will eat just about anything. I actually wasn’t even going to complain, I was going to eat what was served to me, the food looked good, better than what I had ordered. But her attitude at that moment sent me into a petty mode, so I pushed my plate towards her and said it’s not what I ordered, I ordered chicken. She grabbed both plates, very aggressively, and some food slipped off the plate onto my husband’s lap. She didn’t even flinch, show remorse or offer a napkin, she just continues off with the plates.
My husband is such a cool guy, none of this was even slightly annoying to him, I was a little worried if we would get tainted food, but my husband just shrugged and said it’ll be ok.
When the waitress delivered the food, she just tossed the plates on the table and left.
During our meal we wanted more water but couldn’t get help, so my husband got up and found a pitcher of water from the waitress station and brought it to our table.
The bill was tossed on the table without a word. I am sure my hormones made this seem like a personal attack because I remember becoming angry at that point.
My response to this experience was the pettiest thing I have ever done to a waitress, I left two cents more than the bill total.
My husband was not supportive of my reaction and asked me why, I said I wanted to give her my two cents.”
Impressive How They Kept Calm

“My fiancée and I decided to get some breakfast at McDonald’s. A couple of years ago, McDonald’s restaurants in Germany were upgraded so you could put in your order at a terminal, pay directly, and receive a receipt with a number that would pop up on a screen when your order was ready.
Anyway, this was not a new system. We put in our order, got the number, and waited. The restaurant wasn’t busy, there were maybe three or four other tables occupied.
Normally, the number gets displayed as soon as the order is being prepared. After 20 minutes and watching multiple people getting their food who arrived after us, our order still wasn’t in preparation, so we asked what’s up with that. The employee said when there are too many orders, not all of them will be visible on the screen. I said I found it hard to believe this was the reason since there were only two items displayed at the moment. Then she assured me she had our order right on her screen behind the counter (which I couldn’t see) and that it would be prepared next.
Well, it was not. We asked again, after waiting another 20 minutes, and then she started on us how they ran out of buns, and someone was sick, and how she was the only competent employee here (she literally said that, while her colleague stood next to her).
I remember thinking, ‘Lady, why do you think I care about this? If there are any mismanagement problems, that’s for you and your boss to figure out and not to unload on a customer.’
My fiancée then demanded our money back since they were apparently unable to prepare our order and the timeframe for breakfast was already over anyway.
Her coworker immediately agreed, but she cuts in: ‘Here! Here it is now! What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do?’
‘That’s not our order. Ours was to go. This one isn’t,’ I said.
‘It doesn’t say to go on the receipt!’ She argued.
‘Yes, it does! You’re looking at the wrong receipt. This one here in my hand is ours!’ she tried to clarify.
Then she started again about the problems and how she’s the only competent employee. My fiancée cut her short and tells her she appreciated her apology, but we really just want our money back. The coworker took over, and at first hands us a lot less – again an order confusion. This time it’s cleared up a lot quicker, fortunately. Though I felt like I was going to explode.”
The Incident Was Never Forgotten

“When my daughter was younger, I kept a ‘busy bag’ in the car for when we went out to eat. It had coloring stuff, some easy to play small games, some Lego’s. Whatever, it was stuff to keep her busy. We were out to eat one time, and the waitress let us know the kitchen was running a little behind because of a rather large group in the restaurant. So, of course, we whipped out the busy bag, and my daughter was sitting comfortably and keeping herself entertained.
Enter the parent that came unprepared, who started demanding that we share our busy bag with her child. When we refused, she called the waitress over and told her that if we didn’t share the toys, the restaurant provided, she would call the police. The waitress (also an assistant manager) explained they were not part of the restaurant, we had brought them in ourselves. She offered the obligatory crayon and coloring page most restaurants supply, but that wasn’t good enough for her.
Her child wanted the Lego’s and started screaming, ‘blockies,’ at the top of his lungs.
The head manager told the woman to get her child under control or they could leave. but the woman was adamant my child was going to give her son the blocks, not just to play with, but to keep for all of the trouble we were putting her through. The manager simply moved us to another (and much nicer spot, actually) in the restaurant and comped our meal because of this woman.
A few months later my daughter started kindergarten and there at round-up was that awful woman and her son was in my daughter’s class. She sure didn’t forget the experience either and started almost immediately to all the teachers my daughter was selfish, rude, and did not play well with others. My daughter is now 16 and still does not get along with this kid, and his mom brings it up EVERY chance she gets at school events when we run into each other.”
She Had It Coming

“Well, I’ve been on both sides of the coin.
In the same ten minutes.
My sister and I were at McDonald’s for lunch on a quiet Saturday. Many tables were wiped down, meticulously cleaned, and free, and there was one by the window in the corner where we always tried to sit. There was a heating pipe where we could put our feet and look out at the snowy streets.
So we go there and stroll slowly to the table. However, a – uhhh, lady and her accompanying gentleman shoved us out of the way, raced over to the exact table, and threw their bags down before giving us both dirty glares and going over to the counter to order.
I’d just helped my sister up from the table she’d fallen into, and we decided to plot revenge.
The woman ordered a Big Mac with a large Coke and extra fries covered in mayo and ketchup. The accomplice ordered something similar. The employees prepared it and brought it over to their table whilst they were outside smoking and making foul gestures at the passing cars.
We had our chance.
Feigning a need for the bathroom, my evil and mischievous little sister walked past the table and subtly pushed half the fries coated in ketchup and mayo into the lady’s brand-new Louis Vuitton $8000 purse. The staff – who had seen the whole thing – were stifling their giggles and running to hide from the lady’s inevitable wrath…
But it was not to be. At least, not yet.
The pair came back in, ate their meals (like pigs, may I add), slapped a 19 cent tip on the grimy table and she picked up her bag. They sashayed out.
Just outside the doors, she reached into her bag to get her phone.
Five. Four. Three. Tw-
Screaming ensues, as her manicured hand and designer suit are covered in sauce and mashed fries
We didn’t dare go back to that McDonald’s for quite a while.”
Losing Loyal Customers

“We used to go to this Asian restaurant because it was recommended by a family friend. I think my family and I went to that restaurant at least once a week.
There was a new waitress that started working there, she was upbeat and very friendly. It was always a delight to have her serve us, that is until this one occasion.
We ordered a green curry beef dish and she brings us the green curry chicken. This is how the conversation went:
My Dad: ‘Sorry but we ordered the green curry beef, not the chicken.’
Waitress: ‘Green curry is green curry, it’s pretty much the same. You guys can still eat this.’
My Dad: ‘That’s not how it works. We wanted the beef dish, so please bring us what we ordered’ (my dad is usually very friendly, but after that comment by the waitress he was started to get annoyed).
After hesitating a bit, she took the dish back and brought us the right one. The entire night, she ignored our table and went to every other table, and asking them if they needed anything or not. It was very obvious she was trying to make a point.
Before paying the bill my dad spoke to the owner.
My Dad: ‘I understand mistakes happen, but not only did she try to convince us to eat something we didn’t order, but the entire night she made a point to completely ignore our table.’
The waitress heard this and came by and said: ‘Not sure what you’re talking about, I wasn’t ignoring you.’
My Dad: ‘Then how come you were very helpful and attentive to every other table but ours? It was very obvious you were trying to make a point because we didn’t want to accept the wrong dish you brought us.’
The waitress stayed silent, and my dad told the owner we had been loyal customers for years, and because of the waitress’s behavior, we’re never coming there again.
The owner said nothing because he didn’t know much English. We never did go there again, this happened 10+ years ago.”
They Definitely Had That Coming

“I was having a quiet cappuccino-and-donut, and a gaggle of teens walked in, talking in very loud voices and cussing like old sailormen on leave. They strew themselves every which way, always shouting and swearing, ordered chicken nuggets and fries and, when their order arrived, started throwing the food at each other and using their ketchup and mayo to paint their own faces.
In a corner table, with his back turned on the noisome kids, there sat a large, silent man who looked quite absorbed in reading his newspaper when — WHACK! — a ketchup-laden nugget landed square on his nape. The gentleman stood up and turned around and, boy, he was something to look at! At the very least six-foot-five, bulging with muscles everywhere and sporting the least amiable mien you can possibly imagine.
This human juggernaut slowly walked over to the obnoxious brats, fairly radiating cold menace, and showed them the nugget.
‘Who threw this at me?’ he growled.
Silence. The kids looked at each other, cold sweat all over them. Only one of them had the courage to stand up to him (sheer fear of losing face, I think).
‘I did it, mate, so what?’ he answered.
He was very pale, and his voice was trembling a little.
The large man looked down on him, took him by the shirt collar, and slowly lifted him until his feet were one foot from the ground and their eyes were level.
‘You’d do well to remember, sonny, there’s always someone larger and nastier than you mooching around. Think it over, before you pull another prank like this one,’ the guy said.
The large man then let go of the kid and he slumped down on the table. One by one, the kids silently filed out of the place, their heads downcast, and the large man started reading his newspaper again, while I joined the waitresses in a loud cheer!”
She Shouldn’t Have Thrown The Coffee

“I worked at a certain national ‘Donut Shop’ in high school, and this middle-aged woman would come through, talking on her cell phone, stop at the order board for literally two seconds and maybe stop her conversation long enough to mumble ‘a Pepsi’ and then hit the gas to pull around. We had a lot of Brazilian people working there, and ‘a Pepsi’ can sound a lot like ‘small coffee’ when English is your second language, and the person is also in the middle of a sentence on a cell phone and immediately pulls up.
So anyway, this was literally my first day on the job and she said that and Renato just handed me the small coffee, and I handed it out to her. She’s still on the phone talking, takes the coffee, gives me money, takes her chance, and didn’t say anything through that entire exchange. Then, however, she takes the change in her hand, and along with the small coffee, threws all back at me through the drive-thru window. I was 14 and didn’t even know what to do, so I gave her a Pepsi and she sped off. She was constantly harassing us. Yeah, I should have called the police or something, but I was young and needed the job.
Soon enough, we started noticing her coming in with this guy and sitting in the dining area, making googly eyes at this guy like a schoolgirl. Rumors started to circulate this was her side guy and she’d sometimes actually come in with her husband, who she was her usual, horrible self to. Well, lo and behold, one day I’m on and she comes in with a man that she’s yelling at worse than she usually yells at us. Well, that time I got covered in burning hot coffee and all the incidents of being treated like the scum of the earth were fresh in my mind.
She walks up to the counter with her lawful husband and after she berates me and him a bit, I say as cheerfully as I can muster, ‘Oh, is this your brother? Where’s your husband today? You two looked so sweet together the other day when you came in!’
Well, she looked white as a ghost and just gaped at me. It all went quickly from there. He started screaming, she called me some sort of liar. But it was clear he knew something was up. The last I heard, the manager was questioning corporate whether we could release security tapes due to a request from a divorce lawyer. You don’t throw hot coffee at people. I regret nothing.”
Extremely Uncalled For

“My brother had monthly psychiatric appointments in a city almost two hours away from home. Normally we would all go but for some reason, this trip my sister and I stayed home, leaving my brother (maybe 17 at the time) and my mom to go alone.
They decided to stop at A&W for some grub. They ordered. Everything was fine. They sat down. Everything was fine. They started to eat. Everything was fine.
Now here I’ll mention at this point in my brother’s life he was goth. Full on goth. Black clothes. Black fedora. Black eyeliner. Black lipstick. Trench coat, everything.
So he and my mom were minding their own business and then, WHOMP….a burger and all its contents smacked my brother on the side of his head. He was a mess, the burger practically exploded against him. And, according to my mom, everyone (even the employees), started to cheer and laugh at what happened.
I was HORRIFIED when I heard this story. I felt bad for my brother who yes had his issues but he was and is seriously one of the kindest and most gentle souls ever. He didn’t deserve that. He didn’t deserve a lot of the horrible treatment that he got.
I wish I could have been there for him. I often wonder if my sister and I had been there then maybe that wouldn’t have happened. And at the time I had a good reputation for debate, eloquent speech (at 24 I don’t have half the vocabulary and gull that I had back then), and for speaking my mind. My brother and mom may have been able to avoid the confrontation that day but there would have been no way that I would have let that slide.
And all because my brother decided to dress the way he wanted to.”
Weird Thing To Lie About

“I went to this restaurant, ‘Yo China,’ with family for dinner.
As soon as we entered, we were welcomed by a very rude waiter.
This restaurant occupies two floors. You enter the first floor and then the main seating arrangement is in the basement. I always prefer the basement as it’s away from the prying eyes of the public.
Now, I proceeded towards the basement when this waiter stopped me and asked me to take a table on the first floor. I asked him for the reason and he said the lower floor was under renovation.
I said ‘Okay,’ and was about to retrieve my steps.
My daughter, however, was already in the basement and refused to come back. So, I went downstairs to fetch her and to my shock and horror, there was no renovation going on. Half the tables were occupied with people enjoying their food. At least four tables were still unoccupied. I was mad and my blood boiled.
This waiter got an earful from me as well as the manager of the place. He had no business to lie. I really don’t know why he wanted to stop me. He spoiled my mood and spoiled my day. I wanted to leave the place at once, but by then my daughter had already occupied a table and refused to budge.
The manager kept apologizing, but I was mad beyond the point of redemption. I didn’t even enjoy their food that day, which normally I relish.”
The Cashier Could Have Been Nicer

“It was the Fall of 1998 when I arrived to Columbia, South Carolina, super excited to learn a new language: English.
USC has a great program for internationals who desire to master English and classes were held at the Byrnes Building and long a behold, a Burger King restaurant was located beside it. Note: That Burger King doesn’t exist anymore.
I was starving the first day of classes and so were my classmates, a bunch of foreign students, so we decided to grab lunch there. At the counter, there was a young, probably early 20s, gentlemen taking the lunch orders. I grew very anxious as it was my first time ordering something in English and naturally I am a nervous person. So once it was my turn, his eyes were very fixated on me in a non-friendly way.
He for sure asked me, ‘What would you like to order?’
Sadly my ears were obviously untrained and too slow for a normal English conversation pace and I just stood there looking at him; just as a deer looking at a pair of automobile headlights approaching very fast.
He asked a second time, which of course English was still so unintelligible to me. At that point he grew furious, which made me even more nervous: Me, trying to understand him and him trying to get my order so he could serve other customers. At that point, I just pointed at a burger combo, just trusting my gut that I was making a good choice and just to get my butt out of the line of customers. Food was served and I got to eat, mission accomplished.
As I ate my burger, though, I was holding out my tears at the table. More than the food I was eating, I desired to be just like the other people in that line. They were ordering a burger in good English, understanding every single word from that unfriendly fellow cashier, and just go on my business.
I really wish to meet this man again and just say thank you. I would like to show him that my English got a bit better and just tell him how his bad attitude prompt me to learn how to listen, read and speak in this beautiful language.”